Top 5 Content Marketing Brand Videos

Top 5 Content Marketing Brand Videos

Video Content has now become the vital tool in the hands of marketers, over 90% of marketing brands focus solely on it.

If you’re looking to create engaging, top-of-the-line video content for your brand, you’ll want to take a look at some of the best content brand videos out there.

Not sure what makes a great content brand video? Check out our top five picks and see for yourself!

From inspiring stories to creative product video demos, these videos will give you plenty of ideas for your own content marketing strategy. So without further ado, let’s jump in!


Top Five Classic Content Marketing Brand Video Listings:



1. Red Bull Brand Video – Content Marketing Video


This brand video has high-quality content; they have over a hundred people in their team working just to create and publish their concept. Although Red Bull is just an energy drink, yet they impacted people more through their message than the product.


Many people have come to associate their drink with their awesome witty content. The message in their brand video would invigorate you to aspire to do more, be more, to believe that there’s no limit to your dreams. They have been able to create such great content by giving total attentiveness to every detail used in advertising their brand.

Their website alone has a lot of material; one of the most popular is about Felix Baumgartner heroically free falling through space. About 5 million people have access their magazine, they have devoted a record label and also a clearing house just to birth most of their unique content.

Now you know why they are known as the king of content. Red Bull gives you wings!



2. Dove Brand Video – Content Marketing Video


Their mission is to celebrate and encourage natural beauty, using real life models as opposed to many conceited cosmetic companies who would rather promote unhealthy lifestyle through their unrealistic stick-thin models.

The message in these brand videos is that Dove has runs through all their content and has been duly accepted by lots of consumers. They have managed to touch millions of viewers emotions through their ‘Real Body Sketches‘ videos on YouTube while encouraging people to love their bodies.



3. DSC – Content Marketing Video

These guys faced stiff competition when they began in 2012. With the likes of Gillette which controlled about 66% of 12.8 billion dollar Shaving product market, Wilkison sword had 12.5% while Bic had 5.2% to themselves.

With these statistics, Dollar Shave Club knew they had their work cut out for them if they were ever going to compete successfully with the above-mentioned top shaving brands. So they set to it by using quality video content to advertise their brand.

Their introductory video that starred Mr. Dublin (CEO) was an effective and humorous way to summarize what their brand was about. This video branding has over 14 million views on YouTube and is perhaps a major reason for the company’s success.

Their focus on their brand videos content could be seen in everything they did, even their blog which has a whole slew of eclectic infographics, as well as entertaining video content, is always updated. This style has given the company a significant hold in a highly competitive market.


4. Metro Trains, Melbourne Brand Videos


Metro trains‘ campaign (dumb ways to die) is an apt example of how powerful branded content can be. The advert started out as an animated video commercial  which has over 83 million viewers, its song is on iTunes, and its message was transferred into a book, a game, and interesting outdoor posters.

Since youths ignore public safety measures, despite the rise in accidents and even deaths targeting Melbourne train system, Metro Trains decided to use their love for entertainment and social media to pass the message across through the ‘dumb ways to die’ campaign.

This effectively convinced a lot of young people to exact safety measures around trains, it garnered over 83 million views and of course made their company famous. A pretty good deal on the marketing scope.



5. General Electric – Brand Video Explainer

Their mission statement ‘Imagination At Work‘ and “Ideas are Scary” clearly shows through in their branded video content. Taking usually boring stuff and making them imaginative through great content has put them on the map.

Their style has won for them a loyal clientele as well as a positive brand image. One of their most dynamic, shared content was gotten from the results of their vine challenge where they got people to squeeze in as much science as they could within 6 seconds.



Conclusion:  Top 5 Content Marketing Brand Videos

Have you ever created a video for your brand?
If not, you may want to consider it. Videos are an engaging and powerful way to communicate with your customers and can help you build trust and authority in your industry.

In this blog post, we’ve shared our top five content brand videos that we think did an excellent job of engaging their target audience. We hope these examples will inspire you to create your own branded video content.

If you need help getting started or would like us to produce an explainer video for you, contact us today.

We’d be happy to share our expertise and help you create a video that engages your customers and drives results.


Article by Nicole Delgado 2022 | Article Writer | The Explainer Video Company – Animated Marketing Videos


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