what is an animated video

What Is Animated Video? And How Is It Used?
( Beginners Guide )



What Is An Animated Video?

Animated video is a type of video that uses animation to tell a story or provide information. It can be used for educational, commercial, or entertainment purposes. Animated videos are often used to explain complex concepts or ideas, and can be an effective way to engage and educate viewers.



How Is Animated Video Used?

Animated videos can be used for a variety of purposes, including:


Educational videos: Animated videos can be used to explain complex concepts or ideas in a clear and concise way. They can be an effective tool for teaching and learning.

Commercial videos: Animated videos can be used to promote products or services. They can be an effective way to engage and persuade viewers.

Entertainment videos: Animated videos can be used to tell stories or provide entertainment such as cartoon music videos. They can be an effective way to engage and entertain viewers.



whats an animated video


Popular Uses For Animated Videos:

There are all sorts of popular uses for animated videos. Many businesses use them as a way to explain their products or services in a more engaging and visually appealing way. Animated videos are also popular for use in mobile video advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and even as ads on websites or other online platforms.

Many people also enjoy creating and sharing personal animated videos, either for fun or as a way of conveying a message or story. Whatever the purpose, animated videos are a powerful and versatile tool that can help you get your message across in a way that is both engaging and visually appealing.



Different Types Of Animated Videos:


1. 2D animation videos

2. 3D animation videos

3. Motion graphic videos

4. Explainer videos

5. Whiteboard videos

6. Typography videos



As mentioned previously animated videos are used in a variety of settings, including commercials, movies, television shows, and educational videos. Lets take a look at some of the common examples out there:



2D Animation

2D animation is the process of creating animated images using two-dimensional (2D) graphics. This type of animation is often used in cartoons and video games.



3D Animation

3D animation is the process of creating animated images using three-dimensional (3D) graphics. This type of animation is often used in movies and video games.




Motion Graphic Videos

Motion graphic videos are a type of animated video that combines graphic design with motion graphics. These videos are often used to explain concepts or ideas in a concise and visually appealing way.



Animated Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are a type of animated video that is used to explain a product, service, or concept. These videos are typically short and to the point, and they often use humor to engage viewers.




Whiteboard Videos

Whiteboard videos are a type of animated video that uses a whiteboard as a visual aid. These videos are often used to explain concepts in a simple and concise way, whilst maintaining full attention of the viewer whilst the scribe draws the images.




Typography Videos

Typography videos are a type of animated video that uses text as the primary visual element. These videos are often used to convey a message in a creative and visually appealing way.






Guide To Best Animated Video Length For Your Business:

It’s no secret that animated videos have taken the internet by storm. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, animation has become a powerful tool for delivering messages in a concise, engaging way. But how long should an animated video be?


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the length of an animated video will depend on its purpose and audience. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to ensure your video is the right length for its intended purpose.

The length of an animated video for an Ad would depend on what you’re trying to achieve with the ad. If you’re just looking to get a message across quickly, then a shorter video around 15 secs might be better. On the other hand, if you’re trying to tell a story or create an emotional connection with your audience, then a longer video at around 30 secs might be more effective.

If you’re creating an animated explainer video, it’s generally recommended to keep it around 60 to 90 secs but under 2 minutes. This ensures that your audience will stay engaged throughout the entire video, and that your message will be conveyed clearly and concisely.

If you’re creating an animated video for a more general purpose, such as marketing or branding, you can be a bit more flexible with your length. In general, longer videos tend to perform better on social media, so aim for around 3 minutes if you’re looking to reach a wide audience.

Of course, these are just guidelines – ultimately, the best way to determine the perfect length for your animated video is to experiment and test different lengths to see what works best for your specific video and audience. So get creative, and have fun! if you need any further advice ask a professional animation studio.




Businesses That Use Motion Graphics and Animated Videos:


1. Startups– to explain their product or service

2. eLearning companies– to create educational and engaging content

3. Nonprofits– To tell their story and communicate their message to donors

4. Marketing and advertising agencies– To create commercials, social media ads, and explainer videos

5. Consumer goods companies– To create product videos and explainer videos

6. Technology companies– To create explainer videos and product videos

7. Healthcare companies– To create patient education videos and health awareness videos

8. Financial services companies– To create explainer videos and commercial spots

9. Real Estate Companies – To create promotional videos and product videos

10. Hospitality industry– To create brand videos and promotional videos for hotels, resorts, and restaurants.




Promoting Your Animated Video

There are a number of ways to promote your animated video. You can post it on social media, share it with friends and family, or even submit it to online directories. Whatever method you choose, make sure you include a call to action so that viewers know how to contact you or learn more about your business.

More and more people are beginning to see the value in animated content.


If you’re promoting your own animated video, there are a few things you can do to make sure it gets seen by as many people as possible.

First, consider using social media to get the word out. YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are great platforms for sharing videos, and you can reach a large audience quickly.

Second, make sure your video is optimised for search engines. This means choosing keywords carefully and using them throughout the title, description, and tags of your video.

Third, consider paid advertising. This can be a great way to get your video in front of potential viewers who might not otherwise see it.

By following these tips above, you can help ensure that your animated video gets the attention it deserves.




Conclusion: What Is Animated Video? And How Is It Used?


Animated video is an engaging and powerful way to communicate a message. As discussed It can be used effectively for online marketing, training or education, product demonstrations, and more. If you’re looking for a creative and effective way to get your message across, animated video may be the perfect solution for you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create an animated video that delivers results.



Article by Nicole Delgado 2022 | CMO | The Explainer Video Company — Animated Video Production For Business



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