Essential Guide To Whiteboard Explainer Videos

styles of whiteboard animation


Whiteboard animations, also known as whiteboard explainer videos, are a type of animated video that utilizes simple hand-drawn images to help illustrate and explain a concept or idea.

These types of animations are typically used in marketing and educational contexts, as they can be an effective way to engage viewers and communicate complex information in an engaging and easily digestible way.

Some of the key benefits of whiteboard video include its ability to help increase brand awareness, enhance viewer comprehension and recall, and improve conversion rates.

If you’re interested in learning more about whiteboard animations and how they can benefit your business or organization, keep reading this ultimate guide to whiteboard explainer videos.


Some of the key benefits of whiteboard video animation include:


The ability to help increase brand awareness, as whiteboard animations often feature a company’s logo or name prominently.

Enhanced viewer comprehension and recall, as whiteboard animations typically use simple graphics and text to help convey information in an engaging way.

Improved conversion rates, as whiteboard animations tend to be more persuasive than other types of content due to their visual and engaging nature.


If you’re interested in using whiteboard animations for your business or organization, there are a number of tools and animated videos services available that can help you create high-quality, professional-looking videos quickly and easily. Some popular options include Animaker, PowToon, and Biteable. So whether you’re looking to engage customers, educate employees, or simply explain a complex concept, whiteboard animations could be the perfect solution!




whiteboard explainer animation best practices
Whiteboard Animation Video Best Practices


As whiteboard animation videos have become more popular, there are certain best practices that have emerged. If you’re thinking of creating a whiteboard video, here are some things to keep in mind:


Keep it short and sweet. The average whiteboard video is between 1 and 2 minutes long. Anything longer risks losing the viewer’s attention.

Make sure the audio is clear and easy to understand. The visuals in a whiteboard video are important, but the audio is just as important. Make sure your voiceover is clear and easy to understand.

Use simple language. A whiteboard video is not the time to get overly technical or use big words. Keep your language simple and easy to understand, so that anyone can follow along.

Make sure the whiteboard animation is engaging and interesting. Your whiteboard animation should tell a story, evoke an emotion, or capture your viewer’s attention in some way. Avoid dull, boring visuals or animation styles that might turn people off.

Incorporate your brand. A whiteboard video is a great opportunity to show off your brand’s personality. Make sure your logo and other branding elements are prominently featured throughout the video.


Creating a whiteboard animation video can be a great way to capture your audience’s attention and communicate your message in a unique and engaging way.

By following these best practices, you can help ensure that your whiteboard video is a success, but wait ! how much do these animations cost ? lets find out here :





Are You Paying Too Much Or Too Little For Your Animated Explainer Video ?

How Much Does A Whiteboard Video Cost?


Whiteboard animations are typically between 60 and 90 seconds in length, and can be created for a relatively affordable price. The cost of a whiteboard animation video will vary depending on a number of factors, including the length of the video, the number of illustrations required, and the complexity of the overall project. In general, whiteboard animation videos can be created for as little as $500 or less. However, more complex projects may cost several thousand dollars.


Overall, whiteboard animation videos are an extremely effective and affordable way to communicate a message or tell a story. If you are looking for an engaging and visually appealing way to reach your audience, a whiteboard animation video may be the perfect solution.







What are the different styles of whiteboard animationWhat are the different styles of whiteboard animation?


There are many different styles of whiteboard animation, each with its own unique features and characteristics. Some popular styles include kinetic typography, 2D animation, and stop-motion or cut-out animation and can be both color and black & white animations


  • Kinetic typography is a type of whiteboard animation that uses text to convey information. This style typically involves adding motion and/or sound effects to the text, as well as other visual elements like illustrations or infographics.
  • 2D animation refers to animations created using traditional hand-drawn or computer-generated techniques. As the name implies, 2D animations are two-dimensional, meaning they are flat and have no depth. This style is often used for more simplistic whiteboard animations.
  • Stop-motion or cutout animation is a type of whiteboard animation that uses actual physical objects to create the illusion of movement. This technique involves taking a series of still images of the objects being used and then stringing them together to create a video. Stop-motion animation is often used for more complex whiteboard animations.





software apps for whiteboard animations

What are the different Whiteboard Animation Software programs?


There are many different whiteboard animation software programs available, each with their own set of features and capabilities. Some of the most popular whiteboard animation software programs include:

– Explaindio:

– Videoscribe

– Doodly

– Easy Sketch Pro


Each of these whiteboard animation software programs has its own unique set of features and capabilities.

However, all of them share one common goal: to help you create engaging and informative whiteboard explainer videos that will capture your audience’s attention and help you communicate your message in a clear and concise way.

Whether you are a marketing professional, entrepreneur, or educator, whiteboard animation software can help you create high-quality videos that will engage and inform your target audience.

So if you are looking to add whiteboard animations to your marketing strategy or curriculum, be sure to explore the many options available and find the whiteboard animation software program that best suits your needs. Now lets take a look a some examples in our top 10 selection:



top 10 explainer video companies

Top Ten Whiteboard Animations


Ok you asked for it !  and here it is !  our top ten whiteboard animations to fire your inspiration:

There are many different types of whiteboard animations, from simple whiteboards with text and annotations to more complex whiteboard videos with characters and storylines. Heres our pick of ten of the best whiteboard animations we’ve seen:


1. The Moz Whiteboard Friday Series – Whiteboard Animation

Moz is a leader in the SEO industry, and their whiteboard Friday series is one of the best examples of whiteboard explainer videos out there. Each week, they release a new whiteboard video on a different SEO topic, from keyword research to link building. These videos are not only informative and engaging, but they’re also fun to watch.



2. The Common Craft Way – Whiteboard Animation

This whiteboard explainer video from Common Craft is a great example of how to explain a complex topic in a simple, easy-to-understand way. The video breaks down the concept of social media and explains how it can be used to connect with friends and family.



3. RSA Minimate – Animated Whiteboard Explainer

RSA Animate is a whiteboard animation studio that produces high-quality whiteboard explainer videos. This particular video is an extract from a speech by RSA chief executive Matthew Taylor who introduces ‘co-ordination theory and it’s a great example of how whiteboard animations can be used to illustrate points and ideas.




4. Whiteboard Explainer Video For YVision Financial Service

YVision Financial Services are a financial services company we created this whiteboard/cutout explainer video which does an excellent job of breaking down the core concepts and ideas behind their services, and it’s a great example of how color whiteboard animations can be used to engage and educate your audience.



5.Chameleon Color Tones Pens – Whiteboard Animated Commercial

This classic whiteboard animation from Chameleon Color Tones Pens does a great job of relaying the information in a short period of time Chameleon Color Tones Pens give you the power to change color and bring simplicity to your art. Each pen goes from as light as a hint of a tint to rich tones, eliminating tonal gaps in your collection.



6. Whiteboard Video from Coca Cola

This whiteboard animation from Coca Cola is a great example of how whiteboard video can be used in education to engage and instruct learners. In this video the narrator explains how Coke will leverage the opportunities in the new media landscape and transform one-way storytelling into dynamic storytelling hoping to add value and significance to peoples lives.



7. Kitchen Sink Web Labs – Whiteboard Explainer Video

This simple whiteboard video from kitchen sink web labs is a great example of how whiteboard animations can be used to explain complex topics in a concise, engaging way. In the video theu show help their client’s truly reflect their brand and reach their goals online.



8. Whiteboard video from Kapital Reef

This excellent whiteboard animation from Kapital Reef is a great example of how whiteboard videos can be used as part of an overall marketing strategy. The video does an excellent job of breaking down the company’s services and explaining how they can benefit their customers.




9. Microsoft Whiteboard Animation

This whiteboard animation from Microsoft is a great example of how whiteboard videos can be used to engage and inform your audience. The video does an excellent job of breaking down the features of their latest whiteboard product and explaining how they can benefit users.




10. Animated Whiteboard video for Anonymous Good

Anonymous Good is a Compassion Technology platform that empowers and encourages doing good, feeling good, sharing good, and changing the world.This whiteboard animation does an amazing job at incorporating a variety of colors all throughout the video.The simplicity of the animations make the video easy to understand and easy to follow.





Hope you enjoyed this whiteboard explainer videos: the ulitimate guide article they are a great way to engage customers and show them what your product or service is all about. If you’re looking for an engaging, informative video that will help convert leads into paying customers, choose the right animation production company


We can create a custom whiteboard explainer animation video just for you, and we guarantee it will be the best investment you make in your marketing efforts this year. Contact us today for consultation


Article by Nicole Delgado 2022 | Marketing Manager | Explainer Video Company | Animated Explainer Video Production


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